报 告 人:房晓辉 教授
房晓辉,男,1999年获瑞典林雪平大学工业市场学博士学位,现斯德哥尔摩大学best365体育官网登录入口 (Stockholm Business School)教授。
房晓辉教授多年来专注于跨文化管理以及国际商务研究领域,其研究成果获得了国际学术界的高度赞誉。房晓辉教授是《国际跨文化管理杂志》(International Journal of Cross Cultural Management)的联合主编(Co-Editor)、《国际商务评论》(International Business Review)的编委成员。房晓辉教授长期致力于推动中国与瑞典及北欧国家的交流与合作,并在北京大学光华管理学院、上海交通大学安泰经济管理学院、中山大学岭南学院以及中国科学院大学研究生院等长期担任客座教授。
Fang (2005, book). Att göra affärer i dagens Kina [Doing business in today's China]. Stockholm: SNS Förlag. (In Swedish)
Fang (1999, book): Chinese Business Negotiating Style (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications)
1.Tony Fang's (2014) paper (in Swedish): From "Opposition Democracy" to "Opposition-in-Unity Democracy"
2.Fang, T. (2014, book chapter), Understanding Chinese culture and communication: The Yin Yang approach
3.Culture as a Driving Force for Interfirm Adaptation
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Name: Industrial Marketing Management
4. Why did the Telia–Telenor merger fail
Publication Date: 2004
Publication Name: International Business Review
5. Fang, T. (2008). 中国人看北欧文化和北欧人 Nordic culture and Nordic people – A Chinese perspective. In Merete Lie, Ragnhild Lund & Gard Hopsdal Hansen (Eds.), Making it in China: 71-89. Kristiansand: The Norwegian Academic Press (Høyskoleforlaget As).
6. Fang, T. (2005, Book chapter). Chinese business style: A regional approach. In A. Macbean & D. Brown (Eds.), Challenges for China's Development: An Enterprise Perspective: 156-172. London: Routledge.
7. Fang (2012-10-25), "China in Africa: A call for cross-cultural analysis at organizational level"
8. Tony Fang (2012-09-03) gives interview in BBC World Service on Chinese investment in Sweden and Europe
9. Fang (2004, conference paper) National culture in change, the 4th Asia Academy of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai, December 16-18, 2004
10. Fang (2012), "Yin Yang is relevant to modern business" (A reader-friendly text written for international managers and cross-cultural consultants)
11. Fang (2004, video interview): Tony Fang talked about paradox, Yin Yang, Chinese business negotitating style, the theory building and practice in intercultural communication and cross-cultural management in the age of globalization at University of Jyväskylä (Finland) on September 3, 2004.
12. Fang (2012, telephone interview): 2012-04-23 Tony Fang interviewed by China Radio International (CRI) on Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's current official visit to Sweden
13. Fang (2012), Call for Artwork (Management and Organization Review - MOR)
14. Fang (2012, Artwork). "The Road to Scholarship". Management and Organization Review, 8(1): 122
15. Fang (2012, book reivew), How to manage a successful business in China (by Johan Björrkstén and Anders Hägglund), 2012, World Scientific, 222 pp.
16. Fang (1998, conference paper), Reflection on Hofstede's 5th Dimension: A Critique of "Confucian Dynamism". Competitive paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 9-12.